Return alloys to their showroom best. Fast, effective and efficient alloy cleaner that instantly gets to work.
Clean, nourish, and protect leather with this highly effective ph neutral cleanser and conditioner.
Safe for all leather types, this product drastically improves the surfaces look and feel whilst adding a natural leather odour.
How to Apply
Apply the Alloy Concentrate using the following process
- Dilute to desired level of cleaning potency.
- Rinse the wheel to be cleaned, cooling the wheel surface, and removing any loose dirt.
- Spray the alloy cleaner liberally on to the wheel and allow a minute dwell time.
- Agitate with a wheel brush to loosen stubborn dirt and contamination.
- Rinse thoroughly with a pressure washer.
- Dry with dedicated drying towel.
N.B. The Autobead alloy cleaner concentrate can be diluted at 10:1 for lightly soiled wheels or at 2:1 for heavy soiling.